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TS   TS 2016-05-02 22:55 阅读(2446)

A women, who is living in Gaza, gave the speech about the situation in Gaza in modern world. 

It was the first time for her to go out of the walls of Gaza. She said there was no airport in Gaza. All borders are closed on every side. They live in one of the biggest prisons in the world. The only thing she can do is just to look up to the sky. On some days, if there are lucky, they would have electricity for 4 or 5 hours. When it’s cold, they make a fire on the front or on the roof of their homes. 

Her job is to arrange everything for journalists who go to her homeland to tell the stories about what is going on in Gaza. Many times she has to go to the border area to collect a journalist. Of course, this is very dangerous for them if the journalist want to cover a story the government doesn’t want. 

She navigates through her country helping journalists, filmmakers, news crews, is her working life. Most of the communities in Gaza don’t want their stories to be told. 

When she is woking, she has to call her husband every two hours. If she doesn’t, he should call her contact to check it up. Her work actually is very dangerous. 

She even involved in one kidnapping of the British journalist Alan Johnston. She was asked by an American magazine to set up a meeting with the kidnappers in Gaza. They were picked up in a black van with black windows, those men were wearing masks. They took their cell phones and they interviewed with the kidnapper outside far far away in the middle of a field. 

She is a brave woman. When her kids were small, they always heard the sound of war. At that time, she told kids that the sound was firework. Despite the terrible situation in Gaza, there is life. There are people who are dreamers and amazing people full of energy. They have wonderful music, and a great music school. And Gaza is the only place in the Arab world where Muslims and Christians live in strong brotherhood. 

During the war, she took a picture of her children everyday because she never know if she can make it back to home. 

She is proud of her work as well. She said she would like to tell the stories of all other women in her country someday. 

She said she remember these words: Don’t limit your challenge, but challenge your limit. Don’t allow others to stand in front of your dreams. 






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