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【TS读书】《Pride and Prejudice》

TS   TS 2016-05-29 22:42 阅读(3951)

It is really difficult to write a review for this book. 

First, I listened the Chinese version audio book. Then I read the english book, while I was listening the English version audio book. And then I watched movie twice! I am very fond of this book, I would say. The language was not that easy as american english for me though. 

The book was written about 200 years ago. Basically, it was a love story. There were so many love stories in the world, but why this became classic? I would say that Austin portrayed her characters to the life. 

The title Pride was came from Mr. Darcy, and Prejudice was came from Elizabeth who was the one judge people on first impression. Those are two main characters. 《Pride and Prejudice》told the story of Bennet’s five unmarried daughters, after two handsome and rich bachelors moved into their neighbourhood.

Elizabeth was her father’s favourite daughter. She was twenty years old and intelligent, but maybe not the beautiful because Mr. Darcy first impression was “perfectly tolerable". But her characters and bright eyes were two most attractive factors to Mr. Darcy. She would spend life alone if she could not find the one whom she loves. That was really brave. 

Mr. Darcy was the wealthy owner of the estate of Pemberley, 10000 pounds a year. (Penguin Classics published one paper and said that such an income would have put Mr. Darch among the 400 wealthiest families in the country at that time). But he lacked of the social ability and had no good manner.  

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth are not match, if talking about the rank or social status. When first time, Mr. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth, he said the difference between them in economic and social differences. His aunt, Lady Catherine, mentioned these differences when she heard the potential marriage to Darcy.  

Wealth is one key issue, no matter when. Everyone is looking for a fortune, not only the women, as well as the men, e.g. George Wickham.  

Through the whole book, we can see those women who are still living in our world. 

Their mothers, who lack of manners, was only concerned with finding husbands for her five daughters. She always thinks that her daughters should marry wealthy men. (Almost every mum does.) However, Her behaving in public made their family very shame. When there was no propose from Mr. Bingley, she told everyone in the ball that Jane would get engaged soon. 

Jane Bennet, the eldest daughter, was kindness and most beauty young lady in the neighbourhood. Elizabeth thinks that Jane is most beautiful, sweeter, shyer and only see goods in other people. She falls in love with Mr. Bingley. But, she did not have the courage to retain her love. She was shy, as Elizabeth said she would not share the real feeling to her. 

Charlotte Lucas married to Mr. Collins, because she fears becoming an unmarried woman and she was 27 years old at that time. Just like current Chinese Society, if the girls do not married or in a relationship after some certain ages, they would fear. 

The other three girls were considered very silly and headless, and thus effected on the relationship between Jane and Mr. Bingley. 

Lady Catherine was the most superciliousness woman. Of course she was rich.  I saw her the most ill-mannered person. As an upper class people, her behaviour was not very noble. When she appeared in Elizabeth’s home, “Lady Catherine opened the doors into the different rooms, looked in, and declared them to be reasonable-looking rooms”. How would she do that. Not everyone as rich as her, she has no right to open other person’s home doors. That behaviour was most rude and disagreeable. 







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