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【TS读书/37】《Eat Pray Love》

TS   TS 2016-10-13 18:43 阅读(2696)

Finally I finished this book which was bought 4 or 5 years ago. Could not remember. 

I knew this book because of the adaptation movie. I still remembered that Julia Robert made me cry when I was watching it in the movie theatre. 

A-mid thirty women, who almost had everything people wanted, had a beautiful house in New York city, good career and nice husband. But she was terrified, fear, anger, disappointment and felt apart somehow in her life. She got really bad divorced. She abandoned everything and went to travel for a year to search a true spiritual experiences. It's a pre-pay travel though. She traveled whole year to find the balance of her, in Italy, India and Indonesia. It’s her memoir, from unhappiness to find happiness. 

It took me one and half month to finish this book. Except the tight schedule, one of the reason was that I just cannot continue at the “Pray” part. Maybe because I am not familiar with those “pray or spirit” vocabularies, have no idea what the philosophies in India and Indonesia.

What I felt from the first and second part of the book was that she had a lot of problems and negative emotions; couldn’t find herself, felt like falling apart. I was very depressed while I was reading. Lying on her living room, lying on her room in Italy so lonely, cannot stop crying. You can feel that the life of hers was totally a mess. It touched me. From her words, I can see another me in some way. Maybe many people would find themselves as well. Life is not easy, for everyone. Just like the people mentioned in this book, all of them had their own problems. Nobody could help you, except yourself. 

Luckily, she find happiness, find balance at the end of the trip. 

There was one sentence I like, quote here as the end. “you should never give yourself a chance to fall apart because, when you do, it becomes a tendency and it happens over and over again. You must practice staying strong, instead. “ (Page 181)

One joke, share here. "There is a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of the great saint begging. " Dear saint, please please please, let me win the lottery." Finally, the exasperated statue comes to life and looks down to the begging man and says " My son, please, please, please buy a ticket." 






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