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【2017/24】《Prague in Black》

TS   TS 2017-08-15 17:13 阅读(2510)


所谓的black应该指的就是布拉格那段黑暗的历史,这本书里主要讨论的是从德国开始入侵捷克斯洛伐克开始,一直到1947年之间。布拉格成为德国所谓的"受保护国",还有捷克斯洛伐克人民的反映,以及他们对自己身份的认同等。一站以后,哈布斯堡王朝覆灭,捷克斯洛伐克成立。当时的捷克斯洛伐克主要是由三个区域组成, Bohemia, Moravia和Slovakia。这本书里面讨论的主要是现金捷克的三个地区,

Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia。Silesia是个特别小的区域,所以本书以波西米亚为主,Moravia为辅。我这次的旅行第一占就到了Moravia的首府,Brno- 米兰昆德拉的故乡。




Munich agreement: 1938年9月29日- 9月30日,英国,德国,法国和意大利四国首脑在慕尼黑召开的会议。英法为避免战争爆发,签署慕尼黑协定,牺牲了捷克斯洛伐克的苏台德地区。苏台德地区当时有大概300多万的德意志族。

The native German-speaking regions, within the borders of the current Czech Republic, which in the interwar period were referred to as the Sudetenland. (Picture above)

On March 16, 1939, Prague residents awoke to radio announcements that the German army was marching toward the capital city. Every half hour thereafter Czech broadcasters warned the population to remain calm. Large snowflakes dropped from the sky steel-helmeted soldiers marched through the city and took up positions in front of Prague’s baroquepalaces. 

Jews, many of them refugees who had already fled Nazi rule elsewhere, banged on the doors of foreign consulates, begging for visas. Some Jews committed suicide. “Prague streets, usually so animated, now completely empty and deserted.”

A day after his troops entered Prague, Adolf Hitler, who had traveled by car from Berlin, announced the establishment of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Only six months earlier, Britain and France had signed the infamous Munich Agreement, which permitted Hitler’s troops to occupy Czechoslovakia’s largely German-inhabited Sudetenland. From 1939 to 1945, the Protectorate was the first non-German territory to be occupied by Nazi Germany. 

After France fell, Nazi officials in Prague began devising plans to make the Protectorate, and the Czechs, “German”. Planners estimated that half the Czech population would be expelled or killed: the other half was to be assimilated  into a German national community that possessed a uniform national culture, the same and correct racial  composition, and the same everyday way of life. Nazi and their accomplices murdered more than 78000 of the Protectorate’s Jews, as defined by the Nuremberg Laws. Only 14045 survived the occupation years. 

Before 1939, three out of ten people living in the Bohemian lands counted themselves as Germans. 
Results from the 1950 census  showed that Czech made up almost 94% of the region’s inhabitants.  

After the war, the Czechoslovak minister of the interior estimated that one in every 25 “Czechs” - about 300000people - had been registered as Nazi citizens in the occupied Bohemian lands before liberation. 

The two of Ceske Budejovice and its surroundings about 11% of the so-called Czech residents had become Germans. 

Nuremberg Laws: 1939年纳粹德国颁布的反犹太法。


Thousands of loyal Czechs took to the streets in 1939 to celebrate the reburial of Karel Hynek Macha, a romantic poet who had died more than 100 years earlier. 
Resistance fighters risked their lives to distribute underground pamphlets (小册子). 
Thousands of Protectorate Germans who had been Czechoslovak citizens before 1939 refused to register for Reich German citizenship. 

Reich German: 德国1871年 - 1943年的国号。“Reich”为德语中"国土境界"(同英语"realm")含意,但是此印欧语狭义用至于君主制国家时使用。

the Nazi euthanasia program (安乐死): 二战后,针对纳粹德国层执行的一个安乐死计划所使用的名称。在此计划中,有数十万计的“通过决定性的医学检查被判为病入膏肓无可救药的病人”被医生杀死。计划在官方上从1939年9月执行到1941年8月,但是在非官方上则一直进行到1945年纳粹德国政权瓦解。近期基于1990年发现的档案表明在1939年到1945年间至少有200000人在肉体或精神方面有残疾症状的人被通过施药、饥饿、毒气等方式遭到屠杀。

The first Reich protector was Konstantin von Neurath1932年至1938年担任德国外交部长;1939年至1941年担任波希米亚和摩拉维亚保护国保护者(总督 .

Karl Hermann Frank: The senior SS official in the Protectorate, was also the Protectorate’s state secretary, the new regime’s second highest position. 苏台德区出身的纳粹德国官员,作为波希米亚和摩拉维亚保护国的高阶党卫队和警察的领袖与国务秘书长,与德国内阁的波希米亚和摩拉维亚保护国国务部长。在二战后被因参与利迪策屠杀的决策而判绞刑。

The autonomy that Hitler promised proved to be quite limited. According to the Fuhrer's March 16 decree, Czech autonomy had to be exercised "in harmony with the political, military, and economic needs of the Reich. "  现在来讨论也许没有意义, 但是不得不思考, 如果当初捷克斯洛伐克总统没有签订协议, 德国就会军事占领捷克斯洛伐克, 也许今天见到的查尔斯大桥 布拉格城堡都会被炸平, 捷克斯洛伐克人民也会死伤无数吧?


Protectorate Germans felt like "second-class" Germans. Dissatisfaction among the Germans was even greater than among the Czech Population. Some Protectorate Germans were able to find important governance positions, but on the whole, Protectorate Germans occupied lower-level positions within the government. Reich Germans even took over the top positions in school.

Poor Jews. Reich Citizenship Law defined Jews and Mischlinge according to various past and present personal characteristics. The Law clearly stated that Jews could not be citizen of Germany.

Reich officiers undoubtedly reckoned that all ethnic Germans from Czech would press to become Reich Germans, but they were wrong. There were many reasons for German-speaking Czech not to become a citizen. One German-speaking woman in Prague said that she could never register for Reich citizenship because she had promised her recently deceased son who was a Czech patriot that she would always identify herself as a Czech. Others fears the consequences of becoming a Reich citizen. The Nazi Party pressured Reich citizens to join Nazi organisations and participate in public shows of loyalty to the regime. 

纳粹德国希望能make Czechs German。 

In 1937 Hitler told foreign minister and top military officials that he intended to absorb both Austria and the Bohemian lands into Germany. The takeover of the Bohemian lands, he predicted, would result in additional foodstuffs for 5-6 millions Germans. He declared that 2 million Czechs would be expelled and vaguely alluded to "the elimination of the Czechs". Yet after the occupation of Prague, Ian Keyshawn writes, even Hitler showed "remarkably little interest in the Czechs" after the peaceful occupation of the Bohemian lands. Instead he looked directly eastward from Berlin.  In summer 1939, Hitler turned his attentions to Poland.


Beginning in 1943 no one could leave the Protectorate except for war-related reasons. Gestapo agents walked through every train, asking for personal papers. Gestapo agents made a point of arresting people in public in order to frighten bystanders. Day and night, Prague inhabitants saw black cars carrying the doomed from Gestapo offices to the infamous Pankrac Prison, where they were subjected to unimaginable torture and the threat of being guillotined.

In fact, London's call for resistance and sabotage only made a bad situation worse. Calls for sabotage from London do more harm than good. In 1943 Jan Masaryk broadcast an announcement that Allies planes would begin bombing Protectorate factories. 这样肯定会有很多人死去。 开始总统为了保护捷克斯洛伐克 而使他们成为被保护国就是为了保护人民以及财产。 可是联军来轰炸, 肯定死伤无数。 Thus many voices at home complained.

In the first half of 1943 alone one thousand teachers were imprisoned or killed. By the end of the war about 5000 had been sent to concentration camps, where a fifth died. About 40% of Czech teachers in the Protectorate, and 69% from Prague, had been removed from the classroom and mobilized for "total war" before liberation.

Just before Christmas of 1943 Benea sat down in front of a microphone in a Moscow broadcasting station. His radio address that day has much in comb with his earlier pronouncements. But there was different, for the Czechoslovak president-in-exile described for his audience "one of the most beautiful instances of my political work and my political life"- the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. The Treaty pledged both states to fight German together and foster economic relations after the war, while the Soviet Union promised to respected the sovereignty and independence of Czechoslovakia.  之前总统签署了让德国占领捷克斯洛伐克。 现在流亡政府领导人又和苏维埃联合, 还说保证捷克斯洛伐克的独立。苏维埃军队过来肯定不是单纯的帮忙,后来的事实就能证明。人家凭什么帮你?肯定这里有利益关系嘛。 这帮捷克斯洛伐克流亡政府的人也是为了自己的利益不惜任何代价呀。

On May 11, just east of Prague, Soviet troops cut off the Army Group Middle's escape route to the west and took more than 800,000 German troops prisoner - the last military operation of Europe's war. Yet many Czechs contributed to fight. Czechs and Soviet troops raped and humiliated helpless German women. 德国占领捷克, 苏联红军来解救, 然后和捷克人一起强奸羞辱德国无助的女性.. 他们和那些坏蛋德国人又有什么区别呢?reports of looting and rape by Soviet soldiers were widespread.


George Orwell wrote in 1946: "In our age, there is no such thing as keeping out of politics. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia. It is! In the Bohemian lands from 1939 to 1947 everything was political, and nationalism tinged every aspect of politics.






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