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#《Gone with the wind》



《飘》TS打卡_Part II_Chapter 9

TS   TS 2018-05-20 19:13 阅读(1172)

banjo 班卓琴: the banjo is a four, five, or six-stringed instrument with a thin membrane stretched over a frame or cavity as a resonator.  Early forms of the instrument were fashioned by Africans in America, adapted from African instruments of similar design. The banjo is frequently associated with folk, Irish traditional, and country music. 又称斑鸠琴五弦琴,是美国非洲裔奴隶由几种非洲乐器发展而成,它上部形似吉他,下部形似铃鼓。现在的班卓琴有4弦和6弦等,其中跟以弹奏法类似吉他的六弦琴较为普及。

Join the Cavalry: was a military song popular during the American Civil War. The verses detail various feats performed by Jeb Stuart’s troopers, the cavalry arm of the Army of Northern Virginia.

Louisiana Zouave: The Zouaves were a class of light infantry (步兵) regiments of the French Army serving between 1830 and 1962 and linked to French North Africa. The earliest, and most famous, Louisiana Zouave unit was White’s Company B (The “Tiger Rifles”) of Major Chatham Roberdeau Wheat’s 1st Special Battalion, Louisiana Volunteers, a.k.a. “Louisiana Tigers.”  Louisiana Tigers was the common nickname for certain infantry troops from the State of Louisiana in the Confederate army during the American Civil War. Originally applied to a specific company.  

Bonnie Blue Flag: was an unofficial banner of the Confederate States of American at the start of the American Civil War in 1861. It consists of a single, five-pointed white start on a blue field. 还有一个歌曲

Stonewall Jackson’s triumphs

Stonewall Jackson: 21.1.1824 - 10.5.1863, served as a Confederate general (1861-1863) during the American Civil War, and became one of the best-known Confederate commanders after General Robert E. Lee. 

He received an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point, served in the U.S. Army during the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848 and distinguished himself at Chapultepec. 

Seven Days’ Battle around Richmond: were a series of six major battles over the seven days from 25.6 - 1.7.1862, near Richmond, Virginia, during the American Civil War. Confederate General Robert E. Lee drove the invading Union Army of the Potomac, commanded by Maj.Gen. George B. McClellan, away from Richmond and into a retreat down the Virginia Peninsula. The series of battles is known as the Seven Days Campaign, but it was actually the culmination of the Peninsula Campaign, not a separate campaign in its own right. 

Hindu suttee: is an obsolete funeral custom where a widow immolates herself on her husband’s pyre or takes her own life in another fashion shortly after her husband’s death. Suttee is the practice among some Hindu communities by which a recently widowed woman either voluntarily or by use of force or coercion commits suicide as a result of her husband’s death. The best known form of sati is when a woman burns to death on her husband’s funeral pyre. 




Reel: is a folk dance type as well as the accompanying dance tune type. In Scottish country dancing, the reel is one of the four traditional dances, the others being the jig, the strathspey and waltz, and is also the name of a dance figure. 

The reel is indigenous to Scotland. The earliest reference was in a witchcraft trial of 1590, where the accused was reported to have “danced this reel or short dance.”

The Virginia reel 弗吉尼亚里尔舞 is a folk dance that dates from the 17th century. Though the reel may have its origins in Scottish country dance and the Highland reel, and perhaps have an even earlier influence from an Irish dance called the Rinnce Fada, it is generally considered to be an English county dance. The dance was most popular in America from 1830 - 1890. Described below is one version of the Virginia reel.

The dancers usually line up in two lines of 5-8 couples, partners facing each other. Traditionally men would line up on one side, and women on the other, but that is not necessary. The lines have a head and a foot, with the head couple being the nearest the band or music source and the foot couple at the other end of the line. This formation is the same for any version of the Virginia reel.






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