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TS   TS 2016-03-09 13:14 阅读(2228)

Our refugee system is failing. Here's how we can fix it

n 2015, more than a million people arrived in Europe. 

The current refugee system was created over 50 years ago, after the II world war. Through an international convention signed by 147 governments, the 1951Convention on the Status of Refugees, and an international organisation, UNHCR.

Current system work:

1) To a camp. Camps are in bleak, arid locations, often in the desert. There’s restricted economic activity, education is often of poor quality. About 80% of refugees who are in camps have to stay for at least 5 years. In reality only 9% of Syrians choose that option

2) Head to an urban area in neighbouring country. about 75% Syrian refugees have gone to Amman (安曼) or Beirut (贝鲁特,黎巴嫩首都). But refugees don’t usually have the right to work. 

3) A dangerous and perilous (危险的,冒险的) journey to Europe. 

Speakers’s suggestion: How to fix it. 

1) The idea of enabling environments. Give them right to work. 

    In the city Kampala ( 坎帕拉 ), capital of Uganda, they found 21% of refugees own a business, 40% of employees are nationals of the host country. 

2) Economic zone. Most host countries don’t open up their economies to refugees in the same way. 

3)  Preference matching between states and refugees. 
The idea of matching markets, to ask refugees to rank their preferred destinations, 
e.g. to match students with university places, to match kidney donors with patients

cannot send engineers to rural areas and farmers to the cities, no sense at all. 

4) humanitarian visas.

let refugees travel to Europe, no need to spend much more money to smugglers and been to very dangerous journey. 

TS review:

The refugees problem is really huge right now in Europe. Since I am living here, I know more and I see more about the refugees. The speaker some ideas was quite nice. However, he did not mention the drawback of the refugees. There are so many refugees, who came to European country, did not work, did not respect the woman, did do some terrible thing, did spent a lot of tax payer’s money. At least in Finland, only a few percent refugees could get job after ten years living in here. And the government had to pay them every month. I remembered that the government has to pay 1100euro per month to a 5-persons family, two parents and three kids. As a tax payer, Of course I am not happy. Why i paid a lot of tax and all the money went to somebody who does not go to work at all…..  And the other most important issues is the security. My colleague said that she was not allowed her kid go out when outside is dark… she was afraid that bad thing would happen. Especially in the new years eve, in the European, harassment happened to many females. ...so what i can say. OF course, everyone would like to help refugees. But the consequence would come the other way which we do not like….. 

Contradiction  反驳,矛盾,不一致
lament (悲叹,惋惜) the existence of human smuggler
viable route  合理路径
proclaim 正式宣布
fundamentalist    信奉正统基督教的人
repressive (镇压的,专制的,压抑的) policies
seize property  (没收财产)
humanitarian crisis
lack of a vision (眼光,洞察力)
reciprocally (相互的,互惠的)
flee (逃离) conflict and persecution (迫害)
indefinite limbo (拘禁)
under rubble (碎石,瓦砾)
pragmatic (实用主义的,实际的)
diversity and vulnerability (漏洞,易受攻击,弱点,脆弱)





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