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TS   TS 2016-09-13 13:36 阅读(2195)

The speaker Jeff Smith spent a year in prison. In 2009, the FBI opened a criminal investigation into whether Simith had lied about a violation in his 2004 campaign. Because at that time, he ran for the U.S Congressional and defeated Republican Russ Carmahan. 

Since being released from prison, Smith accepted a position as an assistant professor at The New School's Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy in New York City. 

During the year in prison, he discovered inside wasn't what he expected - he sa in his fellow inmates boundless ingenuity and business savvy. Then the idea came up - why don't we tap this entrepreneurial potential to help ex-prisoners contribute to society once they're back outside?

One his fellow inmates had a big plans for the future when he got out. He'd spent 10,000 dollars to buy a website that exclusively featured women having sex on top of or inside of luxury sports cars.
The first week in federal prison, Smith was learning that it wasn't what you see on TB. 95% of guys in the prison had been drug dealers outside. He realized that when those guys talked about it in a different jargon, just like people would learn in a first year MBA class at Wharton, e.g. promotional incentives, never charge a first-time user, focus-grouping new product launches, territorial expansion . They were teeming with smart, ambitious and their business instincts were as sharp as those CEOs. 
Most of them was just trying to survive. It's a lot harder than you might think. They've got to pay everything for their own life, for example soap, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste. The reason for harder is that they earned so less. Smith unloaded trucks. It was full-time job, but only got $5.25 per month. Thus, for surviving, they learn to hustle, legal or illegal hustles. A cigarette in prison could be 3 - 5 dollors. An old-fashioned cell phone could be 300 bucks. A dirty magazine could up to 1000 dollars. They learned a lot how to make do with less. And many of them  want to take this ingenuity that they've learned to the outside and start restaurants, barber shops, personal training businesses.But the problem is there is no training or help for them when they come out. Most states don't even have a law prohibiting employers from discriminating against people with a background. Thus 2/3 ex-offenders re-offend within five years. 
Smith lied to Feds so he lost a year of his life. When he came out, he hope that the prisoners could get help from outsiders and figure out ways to nurture the entrepreneurial spiritand.

Inmates: 服刑人员
exclusively: 专门地
jargon  行话
promotional incentives 促销激励,刺激
never charge a first-time user  新顾客免费试用
 focus-grouping new product launches  某个群体的新产品发布
territorial expansion   领土扩张 (市场扩张)
relive: 重生,再体验
glory day 光荣的日子 光辉岁月
deodorant 除臭剂
hustle 买卖 
ingenuity  心灵手巧;独创性






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