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TS   TS 2017-02-04 11:28 阅读(4641)

中文一遍:《杀死一只知更鸟》 346页

英文一遍:《To Kill a Mocking Bird》 309页

作者Harper Lee。于2016年2月过世。 知道这本书其实源于当时作者只写过这一本书,就享誉全球,很另我好奇。不过后来在2015年,她又出了第二本,也是最后一本。 

BBC推荐的100本必读书单里面就有这本书。正好16年底最后一周在Stockholm机场看到这本书的英文版,于是决定先把kindle里面的中文版先读完。然后在去机场买英文版读。 此书1961年获得了Pulitzer Prize。 同名电影获得25届奥斯卡三项大奖。

Mocking Bire is the type of bird which don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for others. They never hurt people or others. For this book, Mocking bird means the innocent and harmless people, like Tom Robinson. 

The characters were basically based on her observation of her own family and neighbors. Especially an event was occurred near her hometown in 1936, when she was 10 years old. 

The book was very serious about issues of rape and racial inequality, and the destruction of innocence during that time.

The story took place during three years between 1933 - 1935 of the Great Depression, at Maycomb, Alabama. A six-year-old girl, Jean Louise Finch (Scout), lived with her older brother, Jem, and their widowed father, Atticus Finch. He was a middle-aged lawyer who had lost his wife when Scour was about 2 years old.

Father: Atiicus Finch
old brother: Jem
girl: Jean Louis (Scout)
Another boy: Dill, who visits Maycomb each summer. 

The book started with their neighbor, the Radley family, especially one Radley boy.  There are rumors about his appearance and reasons for remaining hidden. Three kids are fascinated by, and terrified of their neighbor, the Radley. They would like to get him out of his house. But later on they found that someone left them small gifts in a tree outside the Radley place. Still no appears in person. 

Their father Atticus was appointed to defend for Tom Robinson, who had been accused of raping a young white woman, Mayella Ewell. Due to the inequality between the black people and white people, Maycomb's people disapprove Atticus's action and many kids taunt Jem and Scout because of this. Although there were no evidence showed that Robinson raped the young white woman, but the jury convicts him just because he was a black man. The white people cannot let black people won.

Bob Ewell won, but he felt that he was humiliated during the trial. He vowed revenge, by spitting in Atticus' face, trying to break into the judge's house, menacing Tom Robinson's widow. Finally, he attacks Jem and Scout when they walked back from school on a dark night. Turns out, the Radley boy rescued them and Bob Ewell was died. At the end Sheriff Tate convinced Atticus that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife.  


作为孩子,他们的世界观都是在这些现实中慢慢形成的,可以看出来关于黑人庭审这段对Jem的影响之大。 让他也慢慢的体会到了种族,阶级之间的差距。就如同他们的姑姑认为自己的家族是高贵的,不允许Scout邀请某些家族的人来家里玩。而且姑姑还强烈要求自己的哥哥解雇在在他们家做事的黑人。这些都是明显的种族歧视。School teacher 对希特勒的仇恨以及当天从法庭出来对黑人的想法的矛盾,也让Scout很吃惊,很不理解。 




You’re not gonna change any of them by talkin’ right, they’ve got to want to learn themselves, and when they don’t want to learn there’s nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language.





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