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TS   TS 2017-02-22 00:04 阅读(1376)
It was quite surprise at the end. 
Hans Rosling made a example at the beginning that her mother had been saving money for years to be able to buy a washing machine. Her mother was invited to see how it works. 
Today, in Sweden and other rick countries, people are using so many different machines. However, there are so many people who still heat the water on fire and cook their food on fire in the world. Sometimes they don’t even have enough food, and they live below the poverty line. 
2 billion fellow human beings live on less than 2 dollars a day
1 billion people live above “air line” who spend more than 80 dollars a day on their consumption

another 4 billion people lives in between, but only 1 billion people who have washing machines, above the “wash line”. Those people consume more than 40 dollars per day

—> So remaining 5 billion people wash with hand, of course most of the women do washing. It’s a hard, time-consuming labor, which they have to do for hours every week. Sometimes they have to bring water from far away to do the laundry at home, or they have to bring the laundry away to a stream far off. 
But using washing machines or cars are not environmentally friendly. 
—> the air people use six units of energy
—> the wash people use 2 units of energy
—> the bulb people use 1 unit of energy
—> the fire people use less than 1 unit of energy.

Half of the energy is used by one seventh of the world’s population. 

What about the future?
To 2050:
1) population growth
2) economic growth

The energy consumption would be from 12 units to 22 units. And these 22 units - still the richest people use most of it. They must change behaviour in some way to get energy-efficient and start to produce green energy. 

It could become that 9 units of energy and 9 units of green energy. 
With the magic washing machine, you could get books out of the machines. Mothers get time to read for kids. It means that industrialisation,steel mill, power station, chemical processing industry gave us time to read books. 






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