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Reading《Little Prince》

紫恋子   紫恋子 2017-09-22 15:50 阅读(1358)

This is my first time to finish reading a whole book in English Version. How surprised and fullfilled I felt after reading. Indeed,it’s a very nice book for both grown-ups and kids as all grown-ups were children first.


I am rather touched of such a celebrated fairy tale ,my little prince, eternal prince with full of love, purity, kindness and goodwill who is from a small Asteriod planet far away from Earth. It mainly tells all kinds of stories what happened on the way during the visits of little prince to different planets.


It is an overbearing and arrogant Monarch from first planet who always command orders to anyone but without any insubordination. Little prince cannot understand and feel very stranger. These should be the self-centered persons.


Second one is a vain man who has never hear anything but praise. Actually this kind of persons are very pathetic and meaningless, they only entertain themselves.


A funny drunkard from the third planet, the reason for drinking is to forget something he is ashamed, shamed of drinking everyday .Oh,my god, a typical vicious cycle case, like most of grown-ups who are always addicted into a bad habit but can’t break away from it.


Next one is a serious  business man who are busy with counting the stars which never had been belonged to him. This is a self-deception behavior like most of human beings.


The fifth planet is too small and no room for two people which lived the only workable person with meaningful job. This is a lamplighter. There is nothing to understand. Orders are orders.


The sixth planet inhabited a geographer who knows where the seas are, and the rivers, the cities, the mountains, and the deserts. However, I can’t understand this story well, so let it go!!!


After travel around Asteriods , the little prince felt these grown-ups are so queer and extraordinary. But those characteristics are common in grown-ups. Eternal little prince will be existing in our heart forever. It stands for a good times that everyone ever was a little kid.







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