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#《Gone with the wind》



《飘》TS打卡_Part I_Chapter 3

TS   TS 2018-04-21 21:10 阅读(1262)

《飘》TS打卡_Part I_Chapter 1

《飘》TS打卡_Part I_Chapter 2

Haitian Revolution of 1791:



Gerald had come to American from Ireland at the age of 21. His family was poor and Catholic, and for years had actively opposed the occupying English (and Protestant) government agents (called Orangemen after the Protestant King of England, Scotland and Ireland, William of Orange, 1650 - 1702). Gerald had killed an English landlord’s rent agent and had left Ireland with a price on his head. He had gone to work at the Savannan store belonging to his brothers, James and Andres, who were already in America.  Word origin of “Orangeman” came from William, price of Orange (King of England as William III)

The Boyne Water: 

It is an Ulster (北爱尔兰省) Protestant folksong by anonymous lyricist. The lyrics of the song commemorate Kng William III of Orange’s victory over James II at the Battle of the Boyne (博因河战役)

duello:the custom of duelling or the established code governing duellists. 

code duello: is a set of rules for a one-on-one combat, or duel.   调节关系的某种决斗准则。1777年,爱尔兰人记述了“决斗守则”.Southern duels persisted through the 1840s even after fuelling in the United States was outlawed. Commonly held on sand bars in rivers where jurisdiction was unclear, they were rarely prosecuted. Most duels occurred between the upper classed but teenage duels and those in the middle-classes also existed. 

King Cotton: is a slogan which summarised the strategy used before the American Civil war (1861 - 1865) by pro secessionists in the Southern States (the future Confederacy) to claim the feasibility  of secession and to prove there was no need to fear a war with the Northern States. The theory held that control over cotton exports would make a proposed independent Confederacy economically prosperous, would ruin the textile industry of New England, and - most importantly - would force Great Britain and perhaps France to support the Confederacy militarily because their industrial economies depended on Southern cotton. 
The American South is known for its long, hot summers, and rich soils in river valleys, making it an ideal location for growing cotton. The many southern seaports and riverside docks allowed shipping cotton to remote destinations. By 1860, Southern plantations supplied 75% of the world’s cotton, with shipments from Houston, New Orleans, Charleston, Mobile, Savannah, and a few other ports. By 1860, on the eve of the American Civil War, cotton accounted for almost 60% of American exports, representing a total value of nearly 200 million dollars a year. 

Abolitionist: 废奴主义者   a person who favours the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or (formerly) slavery. 
In Western Europe and the Americas, abolitionism is a historical movement in effort to end the African and Indian slave trade and set slaves free.
In Unites States. the first attempts to end slavery in the British/American colonies came from Thomas Jefferson and some of his contemporaries. Despite the fact that Jefferson was a lifelong slaveholder, he included strong anti-slavery language in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence, but other delegates took it out.
Benjamin Franklin, also a slaveholder for much of his life, became a leading member of the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery, the first recognised organisation for abolitionists in the United States. Following the American Revolutionary War, Norther states abolished slavery, beginning with the 1777 constitution of Vermont, followed by Pennsylvania’s gradual emancipation act in 1780. 
In the 1850s in the 15 states constituting the American South, slavery was legally established. While it was fading away in the cities as well as in the border states, it remained strong in plantation areas that grew cotton for export, or sugar, tobacco or hemp. According to the 1860 United States Census, the slave population in the United States had grown to 4 million. American abolitionism was based in the North, and white Southerners alleged it fostered slave rebellion. 
With the 1860 presidential victory of Abraham Lincoln, 7 Deep South states whose economy was based on cotton and slavery decided to secede and form a new nation. The American Civil War broke out in April 1861 with the firing on Fort Sumter in South Carolina. 





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