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TS   TS 2019-03-29 12:41 阅读(5186)


几年前在小她的推荐下看过电影,看完书才发现电影因为改编还是比较戏剧性的。小说讲述的就是一个San Fransisco的办事员飘荡到了伦敦,被两位富翁发现,给了他一张百万英镑的现钞,看他是否能在一个月内生存下去,而且是不被抓到监狱去。这个人不仅没饿死也没被抓住,还财色双收啊。尤其是他拿着一张百万英镑的钞票在各个地方,很多人对待他前后的变化,确实是马克吐温的风格。 

《The Million Pound Bank Note》   by Mark Twain

When I was twenty-seven years old, I was a mining-broker's clerk in San Francisco, and an expert in all the details of stock traffic. I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my wits and a clean reputation; but these were setting my feet in the road to eventual fortune, and I was content with the prospect.

My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay. One day I ventured too far, and was carried out to sea. Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London. It was a long and stormy voyage, and they made me work my passage without pay, as a common sailor. When I stepped ashore in London my clothes were ragged and shabby, and I had only a dollar in my pocket. This money fed and sheltered me twenty-four hours. During the next twenty-four I went without food and shelter.

About ten o'clock on the following morning, seedy and hungry, I was dragging myself along Portland Place, when a child that was passing, towed by a nurse-maid, tossed a luscious big pear - minus one bite - into the gutter. I stopped, of course, and fastened my desiring eye on that muddy treasure. My mouth watered for it, my stomach craved it, my whole being begged for it. But every time I made a move to get it some passing eye detected my purpose, and of course I straightened up then, and looked indifferent, and pretended that I hadn't been thinking about the pear at all. This same thing kept happening and happening, and I couldn't get the pear. I was just getting desperate enough to brave all the shame, and to seize it, when a window behind me was raised, and a gentleman spoke out of it, saying: "Step in here, please."

I was admitted by a gorgeous flunkey, and shown into a sumptuous room where a couple of elderly gentlemen were sitting. They sent away the servant, and made me sit down. They had just finished their breakfast, and the sight of the remains of it almost overpowered me. I could hardly keep my wits together in the presence of that food, but as I was not asked to sample it, I had to bear my trouble as best I could.

Now, something had been happening there a little before, which I did not know anything about until a good many days afterwards, but I will tell you about it now. Those two old brothers had been having a pretty hot argument a couple of days before, and had ended by agreeing to decide it by a bet, which is the English way of settling everything.

001. 《The Gift of the Magi》欧亨利系列01

002.《The Cactus》欧亨利系列02

003.《The Last Leaf》欧亨利系列03

004.《The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County》马克吐温系列01

005.《Running For Governor》马克吐温系列02

006.《About Barbers》马克吐温系列03

007.《The Story of an Hour》凯特·萧邦系列 01

008.《Regret》凯特·萧邦系列 02

009.《The Romance of a Busy Broker》  欧亨利系列04

010.《A horseman in the sky》 

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